13 November 2008

Why do people kiss?

Whether it's Eugene blowing you a kiss, or someone greeting you with a kiss on the cheek - have you ever wondered where this behavior developed? Some science magazines claim that pheromones play the largest role in why we kiss. However, Scienceline analyzes the interesting debate of whether kissing is learned or instinctual. They give the cute example of the monkey mama feeding her baby via the mouth, which supports this idea of kissing as a learned behavior. They briefly bring up the interesting fact that some human tribes do not engage in the act of kissing at all, which motivated me to do some research. Scientific American reports that 10% of the human population does not engage in kissing. Now consider that there are approximately 6.6 billion people as of 2007. That's a shit load of people who don't kiss. So, is kissing an instinctual or learned behavior? More research needs to be done (but don't invest your research funding in this area, give your $ to fund cancer research!).

This is so raunchy for Bollywood.

- Yacki


  1. We have a great deal of nerve endings in our lips. It's culture, it's nature, it feels good.

  2. I remember hearing that people decided to stop kissing because during the plague, which in turn gave prevalence to the handshake as the predominant form of greeting gestures. But it's just as likely that I'm mis-remembering.

  3. Also, WTF is up with the Indian porn?
